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NDSU 总统 David Cook, university administrators, deans and others are slated to participate in the annual 北达科他 Tour on July 8-18 at locations throughout the state.

NDSU 总统 David Cook talks chats with a community member during Casselton Field Day

NDSU and the College of Engineering have been awarded nearly $1.8 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to support multi-year research, development and demonstration of microgrid-related technologies. The project will be technically led by Di Wu, associate…

Photo of NDSU professor Di Wu

The NDSU Office of 研究 and Creative Activity recently hosted representatives from the Air Force 研究 Laboratory Regional Network – Midwest for a campus visit.


艾琳·康威尔, NDSU associate professor of psychology, has received a $434,929 grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to fund her research project entitled, “Context and multiple meanings: Homophone learning in early childhood."

艾琳·康威尔, NDSU associate professor of psychology

Five research projects based in 北达科他 have been awarded grants through the University 研究 Collaboration Program, funded by the Economic Diversification 研究 Funds appropriated during the 2023 北达科他 Legislative session. The URCP funds Level 1…


Two NDSU graduate students were selected to receive the highly competitive and prestigious 2024 National Science Foundation 研究生 研究 Fellowship Award. The students are:


北达科他 State University’s new agricultural research laboratory will soon be named the Bolley Agricultural Laboratory after receiving approval from the State Board of Higher Education last month. The 北达科他 Legislature appropriated $87 million for the…